fredish domesticus

The sad little life of a biochemist...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

JJ McCracken?

I keep waking up with the name JJ McCracken stuck in my head.
Does this person exist? Why do I wake up with this name?

I was told today that I'm a hot mom!
Nick, Sam and I went to Timmy Ho's for a treat and as we were sitting down, there were two guys at the next table...
One said to the other "Hey, those are really cute kids"
The other whispered back "Yeah, but their mom is even more so!"
I was about to say "I'll be sure to tell her that when she gets home from work!" but decided to just be happy instead...

Buffy night tonight!! Also, cake decorating!! Whee!!
I will try to post a picture of the cake some day soon.


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